팬토믹스궁금한 사항들을해결해 드립니다.

Consent to the Collection and Use of Personal Information

1. User’s data collected - Mandatory: name, e-mail, password, country, job title, facility/company name, product interest - Automatically collected: user behavior
2. Purpose of collecting/using user’s data - Sending information on new products or services, event invitations, or newsletters - Statistical analysis of user behavior
3. Period of storing user’s data: Until user withdraws consent
4. User may opt out from the collection and use of personal information. However, upon opting out, user shall be exempt from the benefits of receiving relevant services(e.g. information on new products or services, event invitations, newsletters).

Consent to Receiving Newsletters (Optional)
By opting in to receive newsletters from Lunit Inc. via e-mail, you consent to the storage and use of your name and e-mail address until you request for the deletion of your personal information.

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